Imagination At Work

Basic requirements to crack the IELTS exam

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Do you know why many youngsters are developing a craze to travel abroad? Well, because of the living standard and job opportunities provided by the foreign countries. You must be aware that many students can earn at weekends while doing their graduation courses. Moreover, other facilities such as limited working hours, high salaries, etc. also make the youth of India develop a desire to migrate abroad. But IELTS exam work as a gateway between a person and his desire to migrate abroad. If you are thinking that why it is mandatory to crack the exams then read this article carefully. Moreover, this article has elaborated on the basic requirements to crack the IELTS exam.

Well, your  IELTS score work as valid proof that ensures all the organizations abroad that you are a proficient English speaker. Not only this, but an excellent IELTS  score will give more weightage to your applications for PR and jobs. Hence, it is beneficial to pass the IELTS  exam with an excellent score. There are some basic requirements that can help you become a proficient English speaker. Make sure to develop these qualities in you before enrolling yourself for the IELTS  exam date. We advise you to prepare for the   IELTS  exam at least three months prior to the IELTS  exam.

Read the following points carefully to know what is required to crack the IELTS  exam.

  • Vocabulary and its pronunciation

Do you know that there is no particular exam for checking your vocabulary? But it is impossible to crack the IELTS exam without a good vocabulary.  Because every test of the IELTS  exam demands a strong vocabulary from the test taker. Hence, we advise you to learn at least three words daily. Moreover, don’t forget to use these words in your regular life. Also, a good vocabulary helps you in sentence formation in English. Hence, work hard to get a stronghold over your English vocabulary. Remember that a wrong pronunciation of a word can affect your IELTS score. Therefore, while learning a new word, it is wise to memorize the exact pronunciation of the word. The pronunciation of the word is often written in front of the word in the dictionaries.

Please get a stronghold over English vocabulary before booking your slot for the IELTS/PTE exam date.

  • Ability to understand the spoken English

If you are judging your English listening capacity on the basis of your English reading ability then you are making a mistake. Please note that if you can read English well then this doesn’t mean that you can listen to the language well. Accept it or not, sometimes it is difficult to understand spoken English during the IELTS exam. Nervousness happened during the exam can affect your understanding and listening abilities. Therefore, it is essential to enhance your English listening abilities with the help of some tools and tips. Do you know that Audiobooks can help you ace the listening section of the  IELTS  exam? Well, you must be aware that Listening to these audiobooks for half an hour daily can help you understand spoken English. Moreover, listening to news podcasts and documentaries can also help you enhance your English listening ability.

  • Confidence to speak fluent correct English

It is difficult to learn a language till you don’t practice speaking it on a daily basis. Even the IELTS  exam is conducted to check if a user can deal in the English language or not. Can you suppose that you can deal in English without speaking the language? No, you can’t. So you have to work hard to enhance your confidence in speaking English. It is essential to speak correct fluent English. Are you an introvert or a lone wolf? If yes, then try to talk to your reflection in the mirror. Or are you an extrovert but afraid of speaking english? If yes, then take help from social sites. Post a caption that is written in correct English. Eventually, this will boost your confidence in speaking English in front of thousands of people. Furthermore, try to start speaking English with short phrases.

  • Think in English directly

Many students chose translation as a perfect way to speak English. Well if you are also among them then please try to get rid of this habit. Because this will affect fluency in English as translations consume time. Hence, thinking about a situation directly in English will help you enhance your fluency in English. We advise you to start by thinking of short phrases in English. Just take a look around you and think of them in English. For example, the water bottle is on the table, the ac is on, the sky is blue, The lights are on, etc. But please try to think in English directly. Enhance your ability to think in English directly before the IELTS  exam date.

  • Read official sources to study

Reading random texts on the internet to prepare for the ILETS exam can throw you into a never-ending loop of learning. Hence, always read a recognized book to prepare for the IELTS exam. Because this will make you study in an organized manner. Moreover, you have to use the internet only to clear your doubts and take guidance. Also, you can download an excellent source to study such as oxford’s guide to English grammar. Remember that studying from official sources will help you know the rules of English in an efficient manner.

Are you done with preparations? If yes, then book a slot for your IELTS/PTE exam date. For this, you can check the official website of the exam conducting body.


Please keep in your mind that correctness is the essence of an excellent score in the IELTS exam. Hence, compromising with correctness to enhance fluency is always a bad idea. You are advised to give equal importance to correctness and fluency while learning English. Lastly, use apps only to enhance your preparations for the exam.

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